The previous steps have been omitted before the first shelf photo and will not be sent!Here is the original 300.75.The 200 cylinder has been used for four years because of various reasons at that time, the width is not enough!Dive Dragon looked at so many large tanks and the tank was straight and itchy. This time it was iron. I want to change the tank!Because the new tank still needs to be the place where the old tank is placed, this time the project is relatively large first. When the old tank is dragged to the opposite side, it will pump more than a dozen!!After that is the first photo of the post
Latest Reply
Fan Helen said: The order is from bottom to top
Dongbei Shenlong said: I made it myself, very good.
sunyan025 said: powerful
Mirror 009 said: Fish farming is tossing, it is good to do it yourself, the amount of engineering is not small
swc468888 said: beautiful
Jiaxin 198001 said:
xueyingwuyu said: galvanized pipe?
taotaobaba said: this cylinder is ok
℡Sad tears ℃ said: beautiful
? Say: pretty
98001 says:
xueyingwuyu said: Galvanized pipe?
taotaobaba said: this cylinder is ok
℡Sad tears ℃ said: beautiful
? Say: pretty
? Say: Pretty
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